building and property

The role of the building committee should be the oversight and management of the church building program as defined by the ministry and leadership of the church and ratified by the church congregation.

Those called to serve on a building committee are active members who know about the church’s ministries. Their familiarity with church programs and activities gives them insight into how a building project can capitalize on opportunities for growth, outreach and member service. Committee membership requires adherence to the church’s bylaws and financial plan, discretion and a commitment to attend all meetings. The chair and, in his absence the cochair, act as the group spokesperson, schedule and oversee committee meetings and represent the church before governing denominational bodies. A committee secretary takes minutes and attendance, distributes minutes, agendas and meeting reminders, and tracks information from subcommittees, while a subcommittee chairperson leads the work related to an assigned aspect of the overall project and communicates with the building committee. All members help to draft the building committee’s mission statement.

Exodus, 36:5

You can support the church building project with your donations and prayer

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God richly bless you
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